A Welcoming Community
Our Work

Mental Health Services

Immigration Legal Services
Support our work and provide an affordable path to hope by donating to our Legal Services Program.

Unaccompanied Children

Refugee Resettlement
Through our Reception & Placement (R&P) program, the CWS resettlement team provides initial welcome and core services to new neighbors within the first 90 days after arrival. R&P services include case management, the provision of housing, food, and clothing; placement in ESL and cultural orientation classes; medical appointments; registration in selective service; enrollment of children in school, and assistance to obtain social security cards, among others.
Initial services provided in the beginning of the R&P period are focused on material needs and survival while core services that are required towards the end of the R&P period are geared towards empowering new neighbors to achieve self-sufficiency

Integration Services

Extended Case Management
Operating Hours: 8:30am-4:30pm Monday-Friday
Phone: 346.200.9951
Email: Houston@cwsglobal.org
Integration Programs, Immigration Legal Services, and Extended Case Management: 6100 Hillcroft Ave, Suite 501, Houston, TX 77081