Mental Health Services
A Place for Hope & Healing
Newcomers may experience traumatic events before, during, and/or after their migration journeys. Following resettlement, mental health problems are compounded by the stress of reaching self-sufficiency, maintaining housing, learning a new language, navigating complex healthcare and education systems, having lower levels of social support, living in poverty, and/or experiencing discrimination.
CWS Houston’s mental health services offer support that helps newcomers heal from trauma and improve overall wellness as they adjust to life in the U.S.

Support for Trauma Affected Refugees (STAR)
CWS Houston’s STAR Program supports the healing and recovery of trauma among newcomers by offering mental health care and case management services through developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate, trauma-informed interventions at the individual, group, and family levels.
STAR services include holistic case management services focused on enhancing clients’ overall well-being, individual and/or family counseling, psychosocial support groups, and psychiatry services.
STAR services are available to eligible newcomers including refugees, asylees, parolees, Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders, victims of trafficking, displaced populations from Ukraine, and former refugees, asylees, and parolees. Individuals must have arrived to the U.S. fewer than 5 years ago in order to qualify for services.
Afghan Wellness Program
CWS Houston’s Afghan Wellness Program provides supportive services that help Afghan newcomers feel more connected to their community, more knowledgeable about resources available to them, and increase their overall sense of wellbeing.
Afghan Wellness Program services include support groups, community excursions, and health education workshop where individuals can learn from experts, ask questions, and get connected to helpful resources in the community.
Case Management Pilot Project (CMPP)
The Case Management Pilot Project (CMPP) is a federally-funded program to provide voluntary, trauma-informed, and culturally competent case management and related services to asylum seekers and other noncitizens in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Alternatives to Detention programs.
CMPP services include case management, human trafficking screening, legal orientation programs, cultural orientation classes, mental health services including individual and family counseling, and basic needs and emergency financial assistance. is a sub-grantee of the CMPP grant awarded to BakerRipley.
To learn more about the Case Management Pilot Program or to find out if you are eligible, contact us at
Mental Health Department Contact
Phone: 346.200.9951
Operating Hours: 8:30am-4:30pm Monday-Friday
Phone: 346.200.9951
Integration Programs, Immigration Legal Services, and Extended Case Management: 6100 Hillcroft Ave, Suite 501, Houston, TX 77081