Services for Cuban and Haitian Entrants and Asylees Page

Preferred Communities-Cuban/Haitian Entrants & Asylees (PC-CHEA)

PC-CHEA is a 90 day case management program for Cuban and Haitian entrants and asylees that empowers clients to take important steps towards self-sufficiency by identifying needs and gaps in accessing benefits they are eligible for. PC-CHEA case managers connect clients to ongoing benefits such as food stamps and Medicaid and provide emergency financial assistance and basic needs assistance to clients. CWS Houston’s legal team provides assistance applying for Employment Authorization Documents for work authorized clients.

To learn more about the PC-CHEA program or to find out if you are eligible, contact us at

French Flyer

Haitian Flyer

Spanish Flyer



CWS is committed to showing welcome and providing steadfast support to refugees, immigrants, asylum-seekers and other uprooted people within the United States, who are seeking safety and the opportunity to rebuild their lives.


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Operating Hours: 8:30am-4:30pm Monday-Friday
Phone: 346.200.9951

Integration Programs, Immigration Legal Services, and Extended Case Management: 6100 Hillcroft Ave, Suite 501, Houston, TX 77081