Integration Services

Helping Refugees Integrate

Refugee Cash Assistance

Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) is a 6 -12 month program providing clients with a cash allowance on their path to economic self-sufficiency. This program serves all clients eligible for programing through the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). Clients are eligible to be enrolled and receive RCA services within 1 year of their arrival in the US.

Case managers work with clients to provide cash allowance on a monthly basis and ensure that clients are enrolled in employment services. After 7 months and up to 12 months, case managers will perform a monthly income verification with the client to determine if the client is self-sufficient and adjust their cash allowance accordingly.

Refugee Medical Assistance

Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) is a health insurance program provided to clients who aren’t eligible for Medicaid (single adults and couples with no children). Once enrolled, a client will be issued a medical insurance card by a case manager, and they can bring medical bills in to that case manager for processing. During this program, case managers also provide the client an orientation to medical system, how to use their insurance card and find a doctor. Clients are eligible for this program for up to 1 year from their arrival in the US or their date of eligibility.


The Employment program provides job readiness and employment services for ORR eligible populations from their date of eligibility up to 5 years. At intake, case managers will get to know the client and develop an individualized service plan and budget based on the client’s job experience, skills, and financial needs. The service plan will also be used to determine the client’s threshold for self-sufficiency and job goals.

Employment case managers then work one on one with clients to provide job readiness training, resume building, application for job, transportation to interviews, and follow up meetings 30, 60, and 90 days after employment to ensure retention and self-sufficiency.



CWS is committed to showing welcome and providing steadfast support to refugees, immigrants, asylum-seekers and other uprooted people within the United States, who are seeking safety and the opportunity to rebuild their lives.


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Operating Hours: 8:30am-4:30pm Monday-Friday
Phone: 346.200.9951

Integration Programs, Immigration Legal Services, and Extended Case Management: 6100 Hillcroft Ave, Suite 501, Houston, TX 77081